CalTeach was excited to be hosting our 2020 Summer Institute Workshops again last summer!
Professional Development Academic Credit for Teachers through UC Merced Extension
Our Summer Institute Webinar Series offered virtual professional development opportunities for K-12 teachers. All of our STEM Webinars listed below were eligibile to fulfill the requirements needed to apply for semester credit through UC Merced Extension for the summer and the 2020-2021 academic year.
In order to receive 1 semester credit, teachers were required:
attend a minimum of 15 webinar hours
complete additional 30 hours of at-home work
For the additional 30 hour work, teachers will fill out a survey reflection for each webinar and complete readings on scientific phenomena in the classroom via Google classroom
More details on the Google classroom will be provided once teachers register for the semester credits with UC Merced Extension
Link to enroll for academic credits:
Teachers may use any of the CalTeach webinars below to fulfill the 15-hour requirement through May 18th 2021
Insights from Beyond the Grave
Creating a Community of Distance Learners
ReThinking Laboratories- Transforming Cookbook labs into a Scientific Inquiry
How Science Works- Process of Scientific Investigation
Using Science to Protect Lab Workers and the Community
Exploring the Nano-world with Atomic Force Microscopy
How Would You Build a Machine that Sorts Cells?
Knots in Fluids (And Other Places you Wouldn't Expect Them)
Explore DNA / Hands-on Investigation
Light, Atoms, and Crystals: How to Use Physics to Make a Better Solar Panel
Introduction to Modeling Biological Systems
Our Changing Oceans - Created by Dr. Michael Dawson & Dr. Lauren Schiebelhut
Blood and Malaria: Natural Selection in Humans
Algorithmically speaking: How to Hire the Best Employee
Video Object Detection based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Introduction to Computer Simulations in Physics, from Forest Fires to Salad Dressing
How to measure the speed of sound with just a cell phone and a straw?
Lights - Action: Controlling Bacteria with Light
Combatting Misinformation by Introducing Peer-Reviewed Journals into the Science Classroom