Starting early August 2022 through June 30, 2023, qualifying candidates are able to register for the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST) and California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET). 
To be eligible for the waiver, candidates must have a valid California mailing address. Follow this link to learn more about the California Assesment Fee Waivers.
*2021-22 State Budget Agreement Creates Coursework Alternative to CSET and CBEST Examinations. Read the complete Press Release from the CTC here.
CBESTThe CBEST is the California Basic Education Skills Test (Math, English, and Writing). It is designed to fulfill the "basic skills" requirement mandated by law for full-time and substitute teachers |
Why take it?
- If you have completed 90 units of college coursework OR hold a bachelor's degree, you may obtain a substitute teaching credential upon passing the exam
- The CBEST is good for life; it only needs to be passed once
- A requirement for most teaching credential programs
Registration Information
- Before you register for this test, check the CBEST information to look if you are exempt from possibly taking this test.
- Click here for step-by-step instructions to register
- Click here to register for the CBEST
- Check our social media for upcoming workshop dates
- Follow us on social media here
What are the next steps after the CBEST?
- Once you have completed the CBEST or qualified for a CBEST exemption, check here to find out how to apply to become a substitute teacher.
Can I be exempt from taking the CBEST?
Students now have the option to meet the Basic Skills Requirement through coursework, AP exams scores, and SAT/ACT scores.
AP Scores: Achieve minimum acceptable scores on the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examinations: a score of 3 or higher on the College Board AP English and a score of 3 or higher on the AP Calculus or the AP Statistics exam
SAT Scores: Achieve minimum acceptable scores on the College Board SAT examination: a score of at least 500 on the SAT English exam and a score of at least 550 on the SAT mathematics exam
ACT Scores: Achieve minimum acceptable scores on the ACT examination: a score of at least 22 on the ACT English exam and a score of at least 23 on the ACT mathematics exam.
Coursework: Individuals may meet the requirement by providing official transcripts to a Commission-approved preparation program or submitted with their application packet to the Commission. The transcripts must show the passage of courses in reading, writing, and mathematics as outlined below. Courses must have been taken at a regionally accredited college or university for credit, passed with a grade of B or better, be degree applicable, and be at least 3-semester units (or equivalent quarter units). Qualifying coursework does not include professional development or continuing education units or in-service training or workshops. Qualifying coursework includes the following:
- For reading proficiency: a course in critical thinking, literature, philosophy, reading, rhetoric, or textual analysis.
- For writing proficiency: a course in composition, English, rhetoric, written communication, or writing.
- For mathematics proficiency: a course in algebra, geometry, mathematics, quantitative reasoning, or statistics.
- More information:
How Can I Find Out More Information?
- Workshops to come soon, visit our office or email us for more information
- Check out upcoming workshops here
- Watch our recorded CBEST workshop here
CSETThe CSET is the California Subject Examination for Teachers. It is designed to fulfill the "subject matter competence" requirement mandated by law for full-time instructors. |
Why take it?
- Required for entry into most teaching credential programs
- Specifically designed for the area of study
Which tests should I take?
- This credential test checklist will assist you in determining which test you should take based on subject interests.
- CSET Credential Test Checklist
Registration Information
- Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to register for the CSET
- Click here to register
- Check out our calendar for workshop dates
CSET Workshops
- Check out our upcoming Math and Science CSET Workshops on the page here.
- Check out our recorded Zoom workshops from Spring 2020 to learn more about the CSET!
- Watch Recorded CSET Workshop
*You may qualify to be exempt from taking the CSET depending on the teaching credential you are going to obtain and your major. Email for more information.
Reimbursements from CalTeach |
We will reimburse you for one attempt on each CSET test if you are a declared NSED or NSEC minor. Submit the following to the CalTeach program for reimbursement.
- Copy of admission ticket showing charge
- Copy of test results
- Copy of bank or credit card statement showing charge
- Student ID number, mailing address
Find more information about reimbursements here.